

  1. Jan 59 Limited, trading as MathsTutor UK is referred to as ‘the Supplier’ and is a party to this contract.
  2. You are referred to as ‘the Client’ in this contract, and you are the other party to this contract.
  3. You agree to purchase Tuition services on behalf of ‘the Student’.
  4. The Student may be yourself or another person.
  5. The Student is the person who receives the Tuition services through an agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions.
  6. The Supplier delivers Tuition services to the Client/Student through an agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions for an agreed fee.
  7. The Client procures from the Supplier Tuition services through an agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions for an agreed fee.
  8. A Tutoring Session is a half hour period of online tutoring.
  9. A Course of Tutoring Sessions consists of one or more Tutoring Sessions held over a period of time.
  10. A Tutoring Lesson consists of one or more contiguous Tutoring Sessions scheduled to take place on an agreed date and at an agreed time.
  11. The Client must be at least 18 years old to procure a Course of Tutoring Sessions.
  12. The Client acknowledges that these terms govern the legal rights and obligations between the Client and the Supplier.
  13. The Supplier reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions for any newly agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions.
  14. No variation or alteration of these terms by the Client shall be valid unless expressly approved in writing by the Supplier.
  15. This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
  16. The Tuition fees cover all the fees associated with providing this service.
  17. By booking a Course of Tutoring Sessions from the Supplier, the Client/Student agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
  18. All the material on this site is subject to Copyright either of the Supplier or Third Parties and such material may not be used for purposes other than as agreed by the Suppliers or the Third Parties.


  1. The Client can pay either by bank transfer or in cash at any bank.
  2. The Client will pay for each agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions at the agreed rate at least 48 hrs in advance of the first Tutoring Lesson for that Course of Tutoring Sessions.
  3. Tuition will not begin prior to receipt of payment for the agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions.

The Supplier Responsibilities

  1. The Supplier is required to agree a schedule of Tutoring Lessons to complete the agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions at a convenient time for both parties.
  2. The Supplier will confirm by email the agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions, the agreed fee, the required payment details and the agreed schedule of Tutoring Lessons.
  3. The Supplier delivers Tuition Services using a mixture of their own and independent third-party suppliers including online tuition platforms and suppliers of educational material.
  4. Once payment is received, the Supplier will allocate an online classroom to the Student for the agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions and send by email the link that the Student should use to access their online classroom, the amount paid and the number of Tutoring Sessions that it covers. This forms the official receipt for that payment and marks the start of the Agreement.
  5. The Supplier saves any written material generated for the Tutoring Lessons and accessed via the allocated online classroom, and this provides a formal record of delivered Tuition services. The Client/Student will need to access the on-line classroom to receive the Tuition services and by doing so agrees for this material to be created, presented, and retained in line with any relevant Third Party and Supplier data retention policies.
  6. The Supplier makes a pdf copy of this written material available to the Client/Student after the tutorial for the Client/Student to retain their own permanent copy of the written material for their personal use.
  7. The Supplier does not record the Tutoring lessons. However, the Client/Student may use the features of the on-line classroom at their own discretion to record and retain their own permanent copy of the recordings for their personal use.
  8. The Supplier will deliver the Tuition services professionally, with due skill, diligence, and care.
  9. The Supplier is responsible for the content of the Tutoring Lessons and will prepare the Lessons in accordance with the Client’s instructions and/or a relevant exam syllabus or qualification syllabus as appropriate.
  10. The Supplier will provide all educational resources required to deliver the agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions. This may involve the use of Third-Party suppliers of content and facilities.
  11. The Supplier may identify other optional educational resources such as textbooks for further enrichment and self-study.

Client’s/Students Responsibilities

  1. The Client/Student is required to agree a schedule of Tutoring Lessons to complete the agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions at a convenient time for both parties.
  2. The Client/Student is responsible for ensuring that they have the correct equipment to be able to access the Tuition services provided by the Supplier when needed. No refunds will be made in the event that the Student is unable to access the Tuition services for whatever reason, save where such inability to access arises as a result of the Supplier failing to provide the Tuition services outlined in these Terms and Conditions.
  3. The Student is required to attend Tutoring Lessons in line with the agreed schedule using the link to their assigned online classroom.
  4. The Client/Student is responsible for deciding a safe and suitable environment for their learning to take place.
  5. Homework is an essential consolidation of learning. In order to achieve the desired learning outcomes, the Student will be expected to complete homework assignments to the best of their ability within the timescales given. The amount of time required for homework is designed not to exceed unreasonably the time spent in Tutoring Lessons based on the Supplier’s assessment of the Student’s competence in the subject matter.

Scheduling, Rescheduling and Cancellation

  1. The Client/Student should be aware that there can be considerable preparation involved before each Tutoring Lesson.
  2. Notice of cancellation or rescheduling of a Tutoring Lesson for any reason whatsoever must be given by the Client/Student to the Supplier more than 12 hours prior to the agreed date and time. If notice is given more than 12 hours prior to the scheduled Tutoring Lesson, the Client will not be charged for the cancelled Tutoring Lesson and the Client/Student and the Supplier will agree a replacement schedule.
  3. If notice of cancellation of a Tutoring Lesson is given within 12 hours of the start of the Lesson, then the Client will be charged with the full payment for that Tutoring Lesson.
  4. Should the Supplier not be able to deliver a Tutoring Lesson, the Client will be informed, and a re-arranged time will be offered.
  5. If the Student is late for a Tutoring Lesson, the Supplier may choose, but is not obligated, to work beyond the scheduled end time. If the Tutoring Lesson stops at the scheduled end time, the Tutoring Lesson will be charged at the full agreed price for that Lesson.
  6. If the Supplier is late for a Tutoring Lesson, then the Supplier will arrange to make up the lost time.
  7. If the Client/Student chooses to terminate a Tutoring Lesson early (for example, after one hour of a two-hour Lesson), the Lesson will be charged at the full agreed price.

Termination and conclusion

  1. The Termination or Conclusion of the Agreement occurs when all the obligations under this contract are complete or discharged.
  2. Conclusion of the Agreement occurs at the end of the final session for which fees have been pre-paid and retained.
  3. If the Supplier is unable to complete an agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions for any reason, the Supplier will refund a portion of the fees pre-paid by the Client representing the number of Tutoring Sessions that the Supplier has been unable to complete.
  4. If the Client wishes to terminate the agreed Course of Tutoring Sessions for any reason, the Supplier will refund all monies prepaid excluding fees for the sessions that have already been taught charged at the applicable rate for the reduced Course of Tutoring Sessions.
  5. Cancellations by the Client of more than 3 weeks in succession, or that which the Supplier perceive as unreasonable, regular cancellations, will be considered for immediate termination of contract, at the Supplier’ sole discretion.


  1. The Supplier does not accept any liability for any claims by the Client arising out of or related to the provision of Tuition services with the exception of any liability that is not permitted to be excluded by law, and in particular does not exclude liability for death or personal injury arising from the Supplier’s own negligence.
  2. The Client shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Supplier against any costs, claims or liabilities incurred by the Supplier arising out of any Assignment or because of any breach of these Terms by the Client.
  3. The Supplier does not accept any liability for the consequences of Tuition, including, but not limited to, exam results and dissertation scores.