Safeguarding policy


  1. MathsTutor UK is a for-profit organisation run by Mr Christopher Lindsey.
  2. MathsTutor UK is a trading name of Jan 59 Limited Registered in England and Wales, company number: 08206911.
  3. MathsTutor UK is based at 17, Apple Tree Crescent, Doddinghurst Brentwood, Essex CM150QS.
  4. MathsTutor UK is managed by Mr Christopher Lindsey who also has particular responsibility for safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  5. Mr Christopher Lindsey has adopted this safeguarding policy and expects every adult working or helping at MathsTutor UK to support it and comply with it. Consequently, this policy shall apply to all staff, managers, trustees, directors, volunteers, students or anyone working on behalf of MathsTutor UK.

Purpose of the Policy

  1. This policy is intended to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults who receive any service from MathsTutor UK, including those who are the children of adults who may receive services from us.
  2. As an organisation we believe that no child, young person or vulnerable adult should experience abuse or harm and are committed to the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  3. This policy is intended to provide guidance and overarching principles to those who represent MathsTutor UK as volunteers or staff, to guide our approach to safeguarding.

The risks to children, young people and vulnerable adults

  1. Nearly every person grows up and lives in a safe and happy environment and it is important not to exaggerate or overestimate the dangers. Nevertheless, there are situations where children, young people and vulnerable adults need protection including:
    1. Sexual abuse
    2. Grooming
    3. Physical and emotional abuse and neglect
    4. Domestic violence
    5. Inappropriate supervision by staff or volunteers
    6. Bullying, cyber bullying, acts of violence and aggression within our schools and campuses
    7. Victimisation
    8. Self-harm
    9. Unsafe environments and activities
    10. Crime
    11. Exploitation

Universality of Protection

  1. We recognise that:
    1. the welfare of the child, young person or vulnerable adult is paramount
    2. all children, young people or vulnerable adults regardless of race, gender, religious belief, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity have a right to equal protection from harm.
    3. some children, young people or vulnerable adults are more vulnerable to harm as a result of their circumstances, prior experiences, communication needs or level of dependency.
    4. working with children, young people, vulnerable adults, their parents and/or guardians, carers or other agencies is essential to protecting their wellbeing.

Disclosure and barring

  1. MathsTutor UK offers online mathematics tutorials for children, young people and vulnerable adults:
  2. This may therefore require adult participants or adult leaders to undergo DBS and/or police checks under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. The required level of checking (if any) will broadly reflect the degree and frequency of unsupervised access given to other people's children.
  3. Mr Christopher Lindsey will take very seriously any allegation of impropriety on the part of any client or member of MathsTutor UK. A member of MathsTutor UK who discovers anything amiss should get in touch immediately with Mr Christopher Lindsey.
  4. Mr Christopher Lindsey will review the allegation and the likely risk to children, young people or vulnerable adults and, if appropriate, will consider terminating any existing service agreement, but only in full accordance with the rules and procedures of MathsTutor UK.

Policy on the prevention of bullying

  1. We will not tolerate the bullying of children, young people or vulnerable adults by anyone.
  2. If any incident of bullying should arise during a MathsTutor UK tutorial, the tutorial will be terminated immediately.
  3. Mr Christopher Lindsey will review all incidents of bullying and assess the likely future risks.
  4. If appropriate, Mr Christopher Lindsey will consider terminating any existing service agreement, but only in full accordance with the rules and procedures of MathsTutor UK.

Photographing children, young people or vulnerable adults

  1. No photos will be taken or published of any child, young person or vulnerable adult attending a tutorial unless prior written permission is sought from a person with parental/guardian/caring responsibility.
  2. If any person has any concerns regarding any person taking photos during a tutorial, that person should contact MathsTutor UK immediately.

Managing behaviour and discipline

  1. Unacceptable behaviour at MathsTutor UK tutorials by unaccompanied children, young people or vulnerable adults will generally be stopped by terminating the tutorial.
  2. Any incident will be reported to a person with parental/guardian/caring responsibility.
  3. MathsTutor UK may apply a further disciplinary sanction; namely the termination of any existing service agreement, but only in full accordance with the rules and procedures of MathsTutor UK.
  4. Any such sanction would be determined and applied by Mr Christopher Lindsey
  5. A parent/guardian or carer who is aggrieved by this action may appeal to MathsTutor UK who will hear the views of all relevant persons. The decision of MathsTutor UK is then final. Any such appeals should be made to, and will be determined by Mr Christopher Lindsey

Legal Framework

  1. This policy has been drawn up in accordance with the following:
    1. Children Act 1989
    2. United Convention of the Rights of the Child 1991
    3. General Data Protection Regulation
    4. Human Rights Act 1998
    5. Sexual Offences Act 2003
    6. Children Act 2004
    7. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
    8. Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
    9. Children and Families Act 2014
    10. Special educational needs and disability (SEND) code of practice - Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25, from 1 September 2014
    11. Information sharing: advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services
    12. Working together to safeguard children (2017)

NOTE: This Policy was approved by the Mr Christophe Lindsey on 26/06/2020 and is due for review every 2 years.