Mr Lindseys maths tutoring videos

Maths tutoring videos

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

Graded and classified

Mr Lindseys maths tutoring videos feature a series of revision lessons graded to KS3, GCSE Foundation, GCSE Higher, AS or A level and are classified against the corresponding UK National Curriculum specification.

Fully worked solutions

They provide fully worked solutions of instructive questions with detailed explanations to ensure a good understanding of the important concepts. The library will grow over time. Check out what is available so far.

What is online tuition like?

Watch these videos and find out!

Extract from one of my live maths tutorials

Check out this short video (~5 mins) of edited extracts from a live tutorial to get a sense of what happens and how it feels to be tutored mathematics online. You will also get a good idea of my tutoring style and whether you would enjoy the experience. This is a slightly expanded version of the video presented on the home page to include a couple of additional extracts.


Tutor platform

MathsTutor UK uses a variety of on-line platforms for lessons according to client preference. For example, both Zoom and Bramble work well. Zoom is flexible and ideal for adult students. Bramble is more restrictive but especially easy to use for younger learners. Either way students have secure access to a full record of their lessons including video recordings of the tutorials and pdfs of the tutorial workbooks. This video is a 3 minute promotional overview made by Bramble of their  platform.

Key Stage 3 Maths Tutoring Videos

Solving equations

11 minute revision lesson on solving equations in one variable. It includes a short optional student exercise which should take less than 5 minutes.

GCSE Foundation and Higher Level Maths Tutoring Videos


7 minute revision lesson on vector representation and basic manipulation.

Solving Trig equations

16 mins revision lesson on solving trig equations, plus 5-10 min optional student exercise.

Using formulae to determine the mass of an object

13 mins revision lesson on determining the mass of a frustrum given its density and key dimensions to an appropriate level of accuracy.

AS and A Level Maths Tutoring Videos

Trig ratios

14 minutes revision lesson on determining trig ratios analytically using the unit circle and/or trig identities.